
Materials from a 3-Day Introduction to Python workshop held at the IFOM Institute in Milan, Italy.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

IFOM Python Workshop 2019


Day 0: A First Introduction to Python

  • Python Syntax Review: Open In Colab
  • Activity: "Using OOP: Drawing with Turtle"

Day 1: The Core SciPy Stack

  • Overview over the Python Tool Excosystem
    • Activity: Installing new Python Packages
    • Activity: Installing Git and Git-Bash for Windows
  • Introduction to The Bash Terminal
    • Activity: Initializing an Project Directory Tree
  • Broadcasting with NumPy
  • Introduction to DataFrames with Pandas: Open In Colab

Day 2: Data Analysis with SciPy

  • A Better Introduction to DataFrames with Pandas
    • Activity: Psychology Experiment Analysis
  • High-Level Tools and Data Structures
    • The Split-Apply-Combine Workflow
    • Data Visualization Visualization with Seaborn
    • **"Tidy" Data: Long Data Frames"*8
  • Multidimensional Arrays in NumPy
    • Activity: Cropping and Black-and-White-ing an Image
  • Writing Scripts Interactively in JupyterLab
  • Introduction to DevOps: Review over the files and tools that improve productivity.
