This file contains instructions on installing, building and deploying the DloHaiti dashboard application. The directions are for Mac OSX and GNU/Linux.
- Install Homebrew (Homebrew is used to install other components):
- Install Node and npm:
brew install node
- Install Yarn:
brew install yarn
- Install react-scripts (To be able to run the client):
yarn global add react-scripts
- Clone the Git repository to a local folder:
git clone sema
- Install Node and npm: Follow depending on your distro
- Install Yarn:
npm i -g yarn
- Install react-scripts (To be able to run the client):
yarn global add react-scripts
- Clone the Git repository to a local folder:
git clone sema
The server uses Expressjs
- Change to report_server folder:
cd report_server
- Install components:
- Start the server on port 3001:
yarn start
. Note that client is configured to access the server on port 3001 - Test the server access via curl:
curl http://localhost:3001/untapped/health-check
this should return {"server":"Ok","database":"Ok"}
The client is a React application
- Change to report_client folder:
cd report_client
- Install components:
- Start the client on the default port, 3000:
yarn start
- You should now see the login page
- Note: The client uses a custom Bootstrap theme located at ./report_client/src/css/bootstrap_cerulean.min.css. There is a postInstall script,, that should copy this theme to the folder ./report_client/node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap_cerulean.min.css. Run it with
In development mode, the dashboard server runs on locathost:3001 and the React App on port 3000. REST calls from the app to the server are proxied through port 3001.
The Android POS application is a React-Native application used by Jibu to record sales of water products To build the POS application:
- Follow the Android setup steps at: Make sure you select the appropriate tabs in the instructions. "Building Projects with Native Code" "Development OS: macOS or Windows or Linux Target OS: Android"
- Change to folder jib_pos
cd jibu_pos
- Install dependencies
yarn install
- Open the Android project in the folder jibu_pos with Android Studio. Note. Do not open the folder jibu_pos, open jibu_pos/android Build the project from Build menu
- Additional instructions for debugging can be found at with JetBrains WebStorm and Visual Studio Code can be found at
In production mode, the dashboard server runs on and the React app is built then rendered by the server. REST calls from the app to the server are reverse proxied by Ngninx from port 80 to port 3001. We use pm2 to run the server.
Our servers are in Linux so installation methods will be for GNU/Linux:
- Install Node and npm: Follow depending on your distro
- Install Yarn:
npm i -g yarn
- Install react-scripts (To be able to build the client):
yarn global add react-scripts
- Clone the Git repository to the server:
git clone sema
- Nginx (Reverse Proxy):
sudo apt install nginx
- Pm2 (Robust Process Manager):
yarn global add pm2
Follow those steps to deploy this app in production mode:
- Install client dependencies:
cd report_client && yarn
- Build the client:
cd report_client && yarn build
- Create a new
folder into the server directory:mkdir report_server/public_react
- Copy the entire build folder from react_client/build to the report_server/public_react folder:
cp -rf report_client/build report_server/public_react
- Install server dependencies:
cd report_server && yarn
- Start the server with Pm2:
cd report_server && pm2 start bin/www
- Test the server access via curl - Since we haven't configured Nginx yet, we'll test it from port 3001:
this should return {"server":"Ok","database":"Ok"} - Setup Ngninx using this tutorial
- Configure Nginx by editing - WITH SUPER USER:
:sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
Within the server block, there is an existinglocation /
block. Replace the contents of that block with the following configuration:
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:3001;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
- Make sure you didn't introduce any syntax errors:
sudo nginx -t
- Restart Nginx:
sudo systemctl restart nginx
- Visit the dashboard website at
To accommodate development/test/production environments, a '.env' configuration file is used to specify database connection information and other configuration parameters. You will need to contact your IT admin for url, database and other credentials required to configure the environment. These parameters are:
- DB_HOST= (Url/IP of the database)
- DB_USER= (User name)
- DB_PASSWORD= (User password)
- DB_SCHEMA= (Database Schema)
- DB_DIALECT=mysql (The SQL dialect we're using, mysql in this case)
- DEFAULT_TABLES=user,role,user_role (The tables that must be populated - postinstall - by sequelize-auto by default)
- JWT_SECRET=xxxxx (Json Web Token secret used to encrypt the token)
- JWT_EXPIRATION_LENGTH= (length of time the token is valid for. E.g.1 day)
- BCRYPT_SALT_ROUNDS=12 (How much time is needed to calculate a single BCrypt hash - Between 8 and 12 is recommended)
- Production: Add SSL certification support with Let's Encrypt
- Production: Make sure we only use logs and error printing only in development mode