
Builds a Docker image for running the Chorus interpreter

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


Builds a Docker image which can be used to run the Chorus interpreter


This can either be used standalone (to save installing java and Chorus on the local OS), or run alongside other services using docker-compose

This image contains the Java runtime and Chorus interpreter dependencies - everything needed to run Chorus!

Invoking Chorus

A good way to invoke Chorus is to

  1. Start a Chorus container as a daemon, mounting a directory of feature files you wish to run as a volume
  2. Run the tests, by executing the chorus command within the running container

This can be done with the following commands:

  • docker run -v /path/to/features:/features -d --name chorus-interpreter chorusbdd/chorus-interpreter
  • docker exec chorus-interpreter chorus -c -f /features

This command will run chorus in 'console' mode (-c) for pretty output, and execute the features mounted under /features (-f)

Adding to the Chorus classpath

To add custom step implementations in Java, you need a way to add handler classes and other resources to the Chorus classpath

Chorus will look for these under the paths /choruslibs and /chorusclasses, so you can:

  1. Mount a volume containing jars into the container at /choruslibs, or
  2. Mount a volume containing classes and other resources at /chorusclasses

If you wish to use Chorus built in SQL handler you will need to make JDBC driver jars available under /choruslibs