
Open Vision 10.2 (New) - master branch of OE (BitBake 1.47) on Ubuntu 20.04.x LTS

Primary LanguageBitBakeGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Open Vision 10.2 (New) enigma2 images Build Status License: GPL v3

alt tag


You could download some test images from https://openvision.tech/stb-images/

  • How to use sdcard images (E.g. raspberrypi):

You could use https://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/ or similar tools to write the image on a sdcard.


Username: root

Password: openvision


Please use our forum at https://forum.openvision.tech or our issue page at https://github.com/OpenVisionE2/openvision-development-platform/issues


  • Are you allowed to compile development versions? Yes!
  • Are you allowed to distribute development versions? Yes but only with "unofficial-version" tag.
  • Are you allowed to make our images compatible with clones? Yes!
  • Are you allowed to distribute cloned images? Yes but only with "clone-version" tag.
  • Do we support clones? No!
  • Are you allowed to make backup of our images? Yes!
  • Are you allowed to distribute backup images? Yes but only with "backup-version" tag.
  • Do we provide support for self-building? No! We prefer to work on our projects.
  • Do we need more Vision Developers? Absolutely yes! Contribute to our git and we will contact you!
  • Do we need more Vision Testers? Absolutely yes! Test our images and report bugs, help us grow you'll see the title flows.
  • Do we support our image in multiboot situations? No! Check about screen and if our module is not loaded then you're on your own!

If you see your model in https://github.com/OpenVisionE2/openvision-development-platform/blob/develop/Vision-metas.md it means there will be Open Vision for it otherwise read https://forum.openvision.tech/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=30 and don't spam the board!


You could compile Open Vision for so many brands/models:

How to build an Open Vision image

  1. Clone openvision-development-platform:
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/OpenVisionE2/openvision-development-platform.git
  1. Run our image.sh script (Do not run bitbake or any related script as root!):
cd openvision-development-platform

Always go with "Vision" first, compile and test the image then go with "Feed".

If you want to compile an image for only 1 machine just choose "Specific".

If you want to go clean again, do not remove your "sources" directoy! NEVER!

If you answered something wrong don't worry, just remove "user.ovstep"!

After each OE update you have to remove your "build" folder then use "image.sh" again but you should not remove your "build" folder all the time! Only after OE updates otherwise the compile process will take hours to complete instead of minutes.

Hints for multiple architectures

  • Removing the "build" directory solves most of the errors. For a fast remove use "cleanup.sh".
  • If you want to compile images for 4K machines with ARM architecture and you get error each time, try compile for a Mipsel machine first then compile your ARM images.

Blacklisted companies/teams/persons

There are some stupid companies/teams/persons which want to keep enigma2 closed-source.

Please don't buy their products, don't help them, don't donate anything to them, don't use their images.

If you support them they will grow but we need to fight this kind of behavior together.

  • DMM (DreamBox) company which did close their enigma2 sources years ago.
  • Japhar team, despite the fact that they're supporting clones they are using everyone's work and don't publish their changes.
  • PurE2 team which are using everyone's work and trying to close things like using .so libraries, they don't publish their changes.
  • VITMOD which is stealing our sources even our procfs driver + using so many GPL licensed sources like amlogic kernel without publishing his changes.
  • VTi team which are using Vu+'s sources but they don't publish their changes.