
Using Apps Script and Active Campaign API, pull data into Google sheets

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Active Campaign to Google Sheets

Using Apps Script and Active Campaign API, pull data into Google sheets

Steps 1: Create a Google Sheet with the following tabs

  • Campaigns
  • Automations
  • Main_Function

2: Click on Tools > Apps Script

3: Rename and add the following .gs files

  • Campaigns.gs
  • Automations.gs
  • Main_Function.gs

4: Copy the code from the .gs files into the relevant directory

5: Head over to Active Campaign, Login and make sure you have access to the Admin account

  • Go to Settings > Developer
  • Copy the URL and KEY values and replace the values in Main_Function.gs
  • Make sure you copy the URL into the URLgi variable, but the URL variable requires the /api/3 after it.

var URL = 'https://XXX.api-us1.com/api/3'; //update this value

var API = 'XXXX'; //update this value

var URLgi = 'https://XXX.api-us1.com'; //update this value