
BackEnd written in Rust-Lang for Porta

Primary LanguageRust

Porta BackEnd

A simple backend written un Rust-Lang.

To build and test the code:

  • Run Server

cargo watch -q -c -w src/ -w .cargo/ -x run

  • Run Tests

cargo watch -q -c -w examples/ -x "run --example quick_dev -- --nocapture"

  • Run single test

cargo watch -q -c -x "test test_create_ok -- --nocapture"

  • Run model tests

cargo watch -q -c -x "test model::bounty::tests -- --nocapture"

Starting the DB, it must be via Docker if using Ubuntu

Postgres version must be >= 13

# Start postgresql server docker image:
docker run --rm --name pg -p 5432:5432 \
    -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=welcome \