
Primary LanguageJava

In order to test the application functionalities, we provide the following instructions:

- Anonymous users:
	can diretly access to the home page to:
		-read all application tweets ordered by tweet publish date,
		-access to the author profiles
- Registered users:
	need to perfome the login process. You can test it with a new registered user or with the following:
		username: unityword123
		password: http://localhost:8080/#1A
	when it is logged these users can:
		read tweets from its followers, can read the retweeted and favorite tweets of its followers ordered by tweet publish date.
		add new tweets,
		retweet tweets,
		mark tweets as favorite,
		comment tweets,
		also the anonymous functionalities.

-Administrator users:
	can remove tweets and user accounts. (User accounts are not delete, but the password is updated in order to don't allow user access)
	There is no option in the application to set a user as an admin.
	These users are created directly on database.
	An administrator user is:
		username: unityword
		password: http://localhost:8080/#1A

	But if you want to set some user as administrator, execute the following query (enter the username in the WHERE clause):
		UPDATE lab2.app_user SET is_admin=true WHERE username='';