
generic package with impure function method.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I am running NVC-1.11.2

I tried this:

package ScoreboardGenericPkg is
  generic (
    type ExpectedType ;
    type ActualType ;
    impure function Match(Actual : ActualType ;                    
                   Expected : ExpectedType) return boolean ;       -- is "=" ;
    function expected_to_string(A : ExpectedType) return string ;  -- is to_string ;
    function actual_to_string  (A : ActualType) return string      -- is to_string ;
  ) ;

This resulted in the following error:

nvc --std=08 -H 128m --work=osvvm:C:/tools/VHDL_LIBS/NVC-1.11.2/OSVVM.08 -L C:/tools/VHDL_LIBS/NVC-1.11.2 -a C:/OsvvmLibraries/osvvm/ScoreboardGenericPkg.vhd
** Error: unexpected impure while parsing interface declaration, expecting one of constant, signal, variable, file, identifier, type, function, procedure or package
Error:     > C:\OsvvmLibraries\osvvm\ScoreboardGenericPkg.vhd:98
Error:     |
Error:  98 |     impure function Match(Actual : ActualType ;                           -- defaults
Error:     |     ^^^^^^ this token was unexpected
** Error: unexpected ) while parsing subprogram body, expecting is
Error:      > C:\OsvvmLibraries\osvvm\ScoreboardGenericPkg.vhd:102
Error:      |
Error:  102 |   ) ;
Error:      |   ^ this token was unexpected
** Error: unexpected end while parsing subprogram declarative item, expecting one of variable, type, alias, constant, function, procedure, impure, pure, attribute, subtype, use, file or group

Has this been fixed in a newer version?

This was proposed in an issue to OSVVM.

The proposed use model claims that one can map an pure function as an actual to the impure function function formal generic. I could not find anything in the LRM that says this is illegal. My tests showed it worked with GHDL, Questa, and RivieraPRO.

I stopped testing and backed out the change when I ran into the issue with NVC.

The code above is fine, it's just an oversight.

Try updating to the 1.13.0 release here: