

Built on a LAMP stack running php 7.4 (mysql not actually needed). In the project directory run:

composer install
npm install
npm run build

To run a dev server:

# assuming /var/www/html is your webroot
sudo cp web/* /var/www/html
sudo mkdir /var/log/axis
sudo php websocket/socket.php

To clean and build in one step use npm run rebuild, or npm run rebuild-full to also clear the parcel cache

Setup symlinks in your document root as ROOT/api -> PROJECT/api and ROOT/ui to PROJECT/ui


  • UI
    • Map
      • Territory names
      • Territory IPC counts
      • Unit and facility placement mechanism
      • Territory textures
    • Lobby
      • Assign lobby members to countries
      • Start game
      • Load game
      • Optional chat support
    • Landing screen
      • Login
      • Start Lobby
      • Join Lobby
      • Join game in progress
    • Game
      • Movement
      • Purchase Units dialogue
      • Unit Placement dialogue
      • Combat dialogue
  • Backend
    • Login
    • Start/Load game
    • Game persistence
    • Collect Income
    • Purchase Units
    • Unit Placement
    • Movement validation
    • Combat
  • Protocol
    • 95% incomplete, completely open for discussion


  • The project is not portable because it was developed against one server. Unknown number of issues.
  • Websocket disconnects are not managed. Not sure how serious. Sockette might be the solution.
  • Current services include apache serving static files, slim REST routes, and websocket JSON-RPC with marginal separation of responsibilities.