
Vagrant configuration with puppet to create a Virtual Box machine with Ubuntu Server 12.10, Python 2.7 (with easy_install, pymongo and bottle) and MongoDB 2.4.1

Primary LanguagePuppet

Vagrant and Puppet configuration for Python & MongoDB

This is a sample Vagrant configuration with puppet provisioning to create a Virtual Box machine with Ubuntu Server 12 .10 to use Python and MongoDB.

It provides a sample example how to use it and is explained on Usage section.


  1. Install Vagrant 1.1.0
  2. Install Virtual Box 4.2.10
  3. Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/danielcsgomes/vagrant-puppet-python-mongo.git
  4. Run vagrant up on terminal or command line
  5. The step 4 should not output any error

Note: Vagrant will forward default MongoDB port on the created box to 50004, so if you want to connect from your local machine you can do it: mongo localhost:500004 -u vagrant

Puppet Manifest will install:

  • Python 2.7 (already installed)
  • MongoDB 2.4.1
  • Easy_install
  • Bottle
  • pymongo
  • wget
  • git
  • vim


  1. Make sure vagrant is running (vagrant up or vagrant reload)
  2. Connect to the box via ssh vagrant ssh, if you are on windows you need to connect via PuTTy
  3. Run it: python /vagrant/src/sample.py
  4. The output should be a list of countries.