
User authentication module for Django: login/logout, register, tokens, email + SMS confirmations

Primary LanguagePython

=========== Django Auth

Django Auth is a simple app for user authentication with Django.

It does the following: login/logout, register, email + SMS confirmations with Twilio

Quick start
  1. Add "django_auth" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this::




  2. Include the django_auth URLconf in your project urls.py like this::

    url(r'^your-chosen-path/', include('django_auth.urls')),

  3. Install Twilio

    pip install twilio

  4. Add Twilio to your requirements.txt file

  5. Go to your settings.py and add your Twilio credentials at the bottom of the file

    # Twillio settings
  6. Add the following settings as well:

    REQUIRE_PHONE_VERIFICATION_ON_LOGIN = False # Set to true to enable Two-Factor Authentication
    REQUIRE_PHONE_VERIFICATION_ON_REGISTER = False # Set to true if you want users to confirm phone number
    FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS = '' # The email address to show as source of your confirmation address"
  7. Run python manage.py migrate to create the django_auth models.

  8. Start the development server and visit


You can try out the demo here https://hidden-reef-1355.herokuapp.com/