
Create an RSS feed for your Readeck instance.

Primary LanguagePHP

Create an RSS feed for your Readeck installation.


1. Get your API Token

Create an API token at https://your-readeck.com/profile/tokens.

2. Update the variables in config.php.

Rename config.sample.php to config.php and enter the appropriate values.

3. Customize the index.php file (optional)

By default, the index.php will look for a $_GET['type'] value in the URL. It's setup to recognize either "video" or "article" by default. If you don't provide a value, it will list all unread items.

There are additional parameters you can add, if you want to filter by collections, labels, etc. See the optional parameters at https://your-readeck.com/docs/api#get-/bookmarks.

4. View your feed

Visit your-domain.com/ReadeckRSS (or wherever your cloned this repository) to test your feed. You can also update the $feed_url value in to this URL in your config.php file in order to include the URL in the feed itself.