
This project uses AngularJS v1 and Ionic v1 with Coffeescript, Less CSS and Gulp to easily create and initialise a starter app. Please follow the readme file below for instructions and project structure

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Angular & Ionic (v1) Starter

What's used

Pre Processors:

Getting Started

  • Clone this repository git clone git@bitbucket.org:nickimola/ionic-app-starter.git.
  • Navigate inside the repository just cloned cd ionic-app-starter.
  • Install the global npm modules npm install -g bower yo
  • Install the local npm modules npm install.
  • Install bower modules bower install.
  • Prepare the app by adding the right values to info.json (located in the root of the project).
  • Run gulp init to initialize the app so that it uses the properties from info.json (modified in the step above) .
  • Start a live reload server by running ionic serve (check the ionic CLI for the full documentation).
  • Open the browser and navigate to the right address, you should see a "Hello World" screen.

The project's structure

The structure of the project is quite simple.

There are two main folders in the project:

  • src - this contains all the files that you can safely edit
  • www - this contains all the compiled files and will be served in the browser.

The src folder's structure is the following:

  • app - contains app.coffee (to bootstrap the app) and variables.less (to create all your less variables to be used in the whole project)
  • assets - contains all the assets required by your app (fonts, img, etc)
  • directives - contains all the directives that you need in your app
  • sections - contains all the pages (sections) of your app.

Everytime you add something inside the assets folder, you need to stop the live reload and run gulp build. This will re-compile all the files as well as mirroring the assets folder inside www, making your newly added assets available in the browser.

NOTE: Do not edit any files outside the src folder, as this will likely be replaced during the compiling process or simply not included in the app.

Add new section (page) to the app

scaffolt -g scaffolt-generators section {pageName}

Add new directive to the app

scaffolt -g scaffolt-generators directive {directiveName}

Note: All the automated templates are located inside scaffolt-generators and they use handlebars to generate files. Feel free to add your own if needed or modify the exeisting ones if required.


Build for development

gulp build - This will build the app NOT minified

Build for production

gulp build-p - This will build the app minified


  • All the files with extension *.less will be compiled to style.css
  • All the files with extension *.coffee will be compiled to app.js>
  • All the files with extension *.tpl.html will be compiled to a javascript file called templates.js which is used by angular's ngAnnotate to cache the templates.
  • All the files inside assets/ will be copied from src to www with the same folder structure