
Thoughts on my approach (before beginning):

  • Create a ScheduleVisit model, include the fields in the request:
    "start_date_time": "2023-06-26T23:00:00.000Z",
    "end_date_time": "2023-06-27T22:59:59.999Z",
    "client": 1,
    "carer": 1
  • Add a revision field to the model to track the latest revision

API Routes

  • GET /schedule/latest - Return the latest schedule, we just need to query for the maximum value of the "revision" field
  • POST /schedule - Create a new schedule
  • PUT /schedule/visit/{id} - Update a schedule, if the schedule already exists we need to increment the revision field
  • DELETE /schedule/{id} - Delete a schedule, this is a "soft" delete, so we need to set a delete flag in the model, we can copy the last schedule visit for now and increment the revision + set delete. Delete should return an empty response
  • GET /schedule/{revision} - Get a schedule by its revision, we can use this to get a specific revision of a schedule

To run

python runserver