
A novelty PHP ORM

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION

#DumbledORM A PHP Novelty ORM


  • PHP 5.3+
  • All tables must have a single (not composite) primary key called id that is an auto-incrementing integer
  • All foreign keys must follow the convention of table_name_id
  • All meta tables must be:
  • named table_name_meta
  • have a foreign key to the corresponding parent table
  • have a column called key
  • have a column called val


  1. Download/clone DumbledORM

  2. Ensure that your config.php has the correct host, user, pass, etc.

  3. When you have set up your database or have made a change, go to the command line and type ./generate.php

  4. Add the following lines to your code:


That's it. There's an autoloader built in for the generated classes.

###Database configuration

The PHP Data objects or PDO extension is used to access mysql and the configuration file config.php is home for class DbConfig the source where DumbledORM finds your database settings.

You are able to configure the settings for host, port, database, username and password.

      class DbConfig {
        const HOST = 'localhost';
        const PORT = 3306;
        const DBNAME = 'test_database';
        const USER = 'root';
        const PASSWORD = 'password';

NOTE: On rare occations mysql will not resolve localhost and PDO will attempt to connect to a unix socket, if this fails you will likely find a PDOException complaining that there is "No such file or directory". By changing localhost to the ip instead mysql will be able to resolve the host and a connection can be established.

###CLI Script generate.php

DumbledORM includes a PHP script to generate your database schema model classes.

At the command line type ./generate.php -h for usage

        Generate DumbledORM models.

          ./generate.php <option>

              -h, -?, --help, -help            Print this help message
              -p, --prefix <prefix>            Prefix generated classes
              -d, --dir <directory>            Output directory for the model instead of the default ./model

###Builder configuration

To generate the model programatically:


Builder::generateBase() will always overwrite base.php but never any generated classes.

If you want to prefix the classes that are generated:


If you want to put the generated classes in a different directory than the default "model":



DumbledORM includes a simple test script. You can run it from the command line. Just modify the DbConfig in the test script to your params.

php test.php


####Create a new record $user = new User(array( 'name' => 'Jason', 'email' => 'jasonmoo@me.com', 'created_at' => new PlainSql('NOW()'), )); $user->save();

####Load an existing record and modify it $user = new User(13); // load record with id 13 $user->setName('Jason')->save();

####Find a single record and delete it User::one(array('name' => 'Jason'))->delete();

####Find all records matching both fields and delete them all User::find(array('name' => 'Jason','job' => 'PHP Dev'))->delete();

####Find all records matching a query and modify them // applies setLocation and save to the entire set PhoneNumber::select('number like "607%"') ->setLocation('Ithaca, NY') ->setType(null) // sets field to SQL NULL ->save();

####Find all records matching a query and access a single record by id $users = User::select('name like ?',$val); echo $users[13]->getId(); // 13

####Find all records matching a query and iterate over them foreach (User::select('name like ? and job IS NOT NULL order by name',$val) as $id => $user) { echo $user->getName().": $id\n"; // Jason: 13 }

####Create a related record $user->create(new PhoneNumber(array( 'type' => 'home', 'number' => '607-333-2840', )))->save();

####Fetch a related record and modify it // fetches a single record only $user->getPhoneNumber()->setType('work')->save();

####Fetch all related records and iterate over them. // boolean true causes all related records to be fetched foreach ($user->getPhoneNumber(true) as $ph) { echo $ph->getType().': '.$ph->getNumber(); }

####Fetch all related records matching a query and modify them $user->getPhoneNumber('type = ?',$type) ->setType($new_type) ->save()

####Set/Get metadata for a record // set a batch $user->addMeta(array( 'background' => 'blue', 'last_page' => '/', )); // set a single $user->setMeta('background','blue'); // get a single $user->getMeta('background'); // blue // metadata saved automatically $user->save();