
This is a project for hiring new designers

UI/UX Demo Project

Create a basic contact management app prototype that allows our CEO, Phil, to keep track of sales leads at IWS. He meets people all the time at conferences, trade shows, business meetings, etc. and he needs a way to keep track of who he has met, what they do, what their connection might be, etc.

Minimum Requirements

  • Name
  • Position
  • Company
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Address
  • Picture
  • History of conversations he has had with this person
  • Reminders to follow up for anything interesting

Primary Goal

Your primary goal is to create an interface that is extremely usable, intuitive, and responsive. This app will be used primarily on a mobile device, but should translate just as well to the desktop. The interface should be a working HTML/CSS prototype, but it is expected that some functionality will not be complete. We’re mostly interested in how well you design an interface that is intuitive and functional.

Bonus Points for anything else you can come up with that would be really helpful in an app like this. There are many additions that would make this really useful to our actual current sales team. Super bonus points for hooking up some interesting functionality using jQuery/javascript.


Capture video and feedback from multiple users at various stages of your design process and demonstrate that you understand how to incorporate user feedback into excellent design. The best designs are forged through the fires of real world user interaction. We want to see that you can analyze user feedback and incorporate it into your process.


Your final deliverables will be:

  • Functional app prototype
  • Any documentation around your design process
  • Test videos

Feel free to share progress along the way. We are most interested in seeing how you work as a designer and tackle challenges along the way. The more you share, the more we can steer you and make sure you don’t waste any time.



When you're done with the above project, please submit your changes in the form of a pull request back to the IWS repo.