
HTTP server for small site

Primary LanguageRustGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

KProject Aden Server version 0.1.2

Aden is a simple HTTP server written in Rust programming language ❤️. This version only support static sites, method GET + POST and couple HTTP headers.

*Note: Build on Windows (Linux will be supported later).


  • Fast and light for static web sites.
  • Custom the server confortably via config/ such as: home directory, default index file, forbidden files or directories, server bind host name and port, etc.
  • Open source, easy to edit and build your own Aden (License GPLv3), read the code, learn Rust and HTTP networking.


  • Partial-contents has not implemented yet.
  • All methods and headers are unsupported :( I'm working on it.
  • Codes seem bad, I'll split to new request/error handling.
  • Fixed crash system while transfering large files but still can't customize the buffer_size (I love everything is portable and customizable).


  • Auto abort if size of request (header+content) equals to 1000 bytes. (yay!)
  • System will crash if the request file is too big.


  1. Install Rust from https://www.rust-lang.org.
  2. Clone from github using Git command line:
> git clone https://github.com/nicklauri/aden.git
  1. Build release:
> cargo build --release
  1. Setup environment for Aden:
  • Create folder www and copy all site contents into this folder (or you can custom this setting in config/config.conf)
  • Move Aden binary from target/release/aden.exe to current directory:
> cp target\release\aden.exe .
  1. Run Aden and enjoy!

Future features:

  • Log manage and color output (console).
  • Alias path: long, complex path to simple path.
  • Linux support ;) (I'm too poor to buy a Mac, so I can't support Mac).
  • Advanced access permission: ban IP, restrict access with specific HTTP header/contents.
  • CGI support: PHP, Python, ...
  • Support extern module: command line, security mod, ...

You can ...

  • Support me by give a star and fix this app by push your solution (pull requests). Thanks.