NullSafe is a simple category on NSNull that returns nil for unrecognised messages instead of throwing an exception
- adonohoDonoho Design Group, L.L.C.
- andrewzeus
- AndyZZhzshanghai
- BladeTailWuhan University
- bugyangs
- cloudjanakAhmedabad,Gujrat,India
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- drwjf
- fishycx
- florianbachmann
- haofanningBeijing,China
- hdwmp123Freelance
- huangdeng
- itkelenone
- jhcloos
- jixuqianxingChina,Hangzhou
- jshqhxm
- JustTian
- lewis180777
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- mfr
- nealx
- nicklockwoodCharcoal Design
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- valeriyvan@LinearityGmbH
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- XenonChauHangzhou GeeChat Network Tech Co.,Ltd.
- xuanyi0627TRC Bank
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- zhuyu99