
In this lab, we'll go through several exercises to become comfortable with using tuples.

Python Containers - Lab

Getting Started

  • Fork and Clone


Create a main.py and test your code with python3 main.py.


Exercise 1

  • Create a list named students containing some student names (strings).
  • Print out the second student's name.
  • Print out the last student's name.

Exercise 2

  • Create a tuple named foods containing the same number of foods (strings) as there are names in the students list.
  • Use a for loop to print out the string "food goes here is a good food".

Exercise 3

  • Using a for loop, print just the last two food strings from foods.

Exercise 4

  • Create a dictionary named home_town containing the keys of city, state and population.
  • Print a string with this format:
    "I was born in city, state - population of population"

Exercise 5

  • Iterate over the key: value pairs in home_town and print a string for each item, for example:
    "city = Arcadia"
    "state = California"
    "population = 58000"

Exercise 6

  • Create an empty list named cohort.

  • Using a for loop, add one dictionary to the cohort list for each student name. Each dictionary should have this shape:

       'student': 'Tina',
       'fav_food' 'Cheeseburger'
  • Iterate over cohort printing out each element.

Exercise 7

  • Using the list of students and list comprehension, assign to a variable named awesome_students a new list containing strings similar to this:
    ["Tina is awesome!", "Fred is awesome!", "Wilma is awesome!"]
  • Iterate over awesome_students printing out each string.

Exercise 8

  • Using the tuple foods and list comprehension within a for loop, print each food string that contains the letter a.