
This is a database dev environment. I use it to make schemas, test SQL commands, and for development databases.

Adminer Postgres Playground

This is a database dev environment using docker. I use it to make schemas, test SQL commands, and for development databases.

Pull up a local PostgresSQL 10 database using docker.

  • docker-compose up to start postgres + adminer via Docker
  • docker-compose stop && docker-compose rm to delete the containers

Access adminer at http://localhost:5401/?pgsql=db&username=dev&db=DBplay

You might need to login with user dev and password 123

Init Script

On start up the init.sql script will be executed. Right now this creates an empty table called Sailors with three columns. To add multiple scripts that will run in alphabetical order add the following to the docker-compose.yml file under volumes:

   - ./v1_schema.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/1-schema.sql
   - ./v2_schema.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/2-schema.sql