lttng-ust integrated with CMake - A basic setup
This project should provide a kind of first steps how to, to lttng.
lttng create myConsoleSession
lttng enable-event -u --tracepoint tpProvider:*
lttng enable-event -u --tracepoint lttng_ust_tracef:*
lttng add-context -u --type pthread_id
lttng start
<execute Command>
lttng stop
One command cobinig all above
CMD=./mainToBeTraced SESSION=myConsoleSession; lttng destroy $SESSION;lttng create $SESSION; lttng enable-event -u --tracepoint tpProvider:; lttng enable-event -u --tracepoint lttng_ust_tracef:; lttng add-context -u --type pthread_id; lttng start; $CMD; lttng stop; lttng view
Debian: apt-get install liblttng-ust-dev python3-babeltrace
To build it, change into a build directory [mkdir build; cd build] setup cmake [cmake ../src] and build it [make]