
Gitlab runner image for various devops tools I need for projects

Primary LanguageShell


This is just a quick an easy image I maintain for various projects I work with. This is primarilly used as a gitlab runner image for CI/CD purposes in my various projects, but perhaps you can find other uses for it. I am a big user of Kubernetes, Ansible, and Hashicorp products for personal projects, and this image represents a "toolbox" of most things I might need to support these projects. This image quite chubby in size... but hey, so am I dealwithit.jpeg

Docker images from this available on dockerhub

  • nickmaccarthy/devops-runner:0.1.2 - Added apt_packages: ftp, traceroute, rsync. Added pip_packages: molecule, an ansible testing framework
  • nickmaccarthy/devops-runner:0.1.1 * Added apt_packages with packages such as jq, zip, unzip, etc. See changelog for more info
  • nickmaccarthy/devops-runner:0.1.0 * First version. Woot!


  • This image is primarilly built with the build.playbook.yml so check that out for what is actually being built inside the container.

  • Most of the installed items below will be available in your $PATH with their version appended in to the end like terraform-0.11.10, kubectl-1.13.0, vault-1.2.4 etc etc.

  • All the Ansible versions are installed into their own virtualenv's in /venvs/ansible-venv-{{ ansible_version }}. Each of these venv's should have all the python packages as defined in pip_items

  • You can build this locally pretty easy with this command:

    • build it - docker build -t devops-runner:<version> .
    • run it - docker run --name devops-runner --rm -i -t devops-runner:<version> bash

Installed Items

Source docker image

* `python:3.8-buster`

Python Versions

* `2.7.16` - aka `python2.7` and `pip2.7` in `$PATH`
* `3.8.0`

apt Packages:

* `jq`
* `zip`
* `unzip`
* `curl` 
* `wget` 
* `default-mysql-client`
* `postgresql-client`
* `rsync`
* `ftp`
* `traceroute`

Default Ansible version:

* `2.9.1`

Ansible Versions:

* `2.9.1`
* `2.8.7`
* `2.6.20`
* `2.5.15`
* `2.4.6`

Installed Pip Modules:

* `passlib`
* `hvac`
* `certifi`
* `boto`
* `boto3`
* `botocore`
* `aws`
* `awscli`
* `virtualenv`
* `google-auth`
* `azure`
* `molecule`

Vault Versions:

* `0.11.6`
* `1.0.3`
* `1.1.5`
* `1.2.4`
* `1.3.0`

Consul Versions:

* `1.6.2`
* `1.5.3`
* `1.4.5`
* `1.3.1`
* `1.2.4`

Terraform Versions:

* `0.11.10`
* `0.11.11`
* `0.11.12`
* `0.11.13`
* `0.11.14`
* `0.12.10`
* `0.12.11`
* `0.12.13`
* `0.12.14`
* `0.12.15`
* `0.12.16`

Kubectl Versions:

* `1.8.0`
* `1.9.0`
* `1.10.0`
* `1.11.0`
* `1.12.0`
* `1.13.0`
* `1.14.0`
* `1.15.0`
* `1.16.0`

Image Versions - also check out git tagged versions

  • 0.1.1 - Added apt_packages. jq, mysql-client, postgressql-client
  • 0.1.0 - Inital version


0.1.2 (2019-12-07)

  • Added
    • apt_packages
      • ftp
      • traceroute
      • rsync
    • pip_packages
      • molecule - An ansible testing framework

0.1.1 (2019-12-02)

  • Added apt_packages install task and the following packages
    • jq
    • zip
    • unzip
    • curl
    • wget
    • default-mysql-client
    • postgresql-client

0.1.0 (2019-11-25)

  • Initial version