- What is the root URL to your API? -https://933jz29hnh.execute-api.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/test/people
- What are the routes?
- /people
- GET and POST
- /people/{id}
- What inputs do they require?
- /people GET requires no arguments
- /people POST requires JSON with name & phone key value pairs (with strings)
- /people/{id} GET requires an ID param
- /people/{id} PUT requires an ID param and JSON object
- /people/{id} DELETE PUT requires an ID param and empty JSON object
- What output do they return?
- /people GET returns all records in the table
- /people/{id} GET returns a single JSON object for the ID sent
- Collaborated with: Carly Dekock, Jason Quaglia, Jason Dormier, Seid MO