
My work on the Melbourne pedestrian footfall time-series

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Melbourne Time Series

Here I am gathering my work on the Melbourne Pedestrian footfall time-series.

  1. Data Exploration Initial exploration of the Melbourne dataset, locations of sensors, missing data.

  2. Distributions and Hypothesis testing.

  3. PCA Analysis.

    • 3a PCA Analysis Can apply PCA to reduce a days/weeks worth of data down to a smaller set of numbers? What can we learn about the usage of the space? It turns out we can learn quite a lot.
    • 3b PCA Outline Short outline of what PCA does for those unfamiliar.
    • 3c PCA Analysis - As a time-series. Looking at the first components of the PCA can we use this to visualise changes over time? Particularly after COVID?
  4. Clustering It would be great to be able to cluster these locations together. Do we have true labels for the sites? Sort of, we have the location names and with a little work we can use these to grade the quality of our clustering analysis.

  5. Forecasting

    • 5a Forecasting Introduction Introduction to some of the key concepts of building forecasting models.
    • 5b Forecasting Starting to build forecasting models and setting a baseline.