
Scripts and Files related to Configuring a Chromebook

Primary LanguageShell

Haven't used these scripts in about a year, things may be outdated.

Intended to function on a Toshiba Chromebook 2 (CB35-3340), other models may require tweaks.

Quick Install

  • Installs Crew(package manager) with python3.4, vim with Vundle, and Crouton
wget -q -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nickmartin607/chromebookSetup/master/install | bash

Misc Scripts


  • Mounts the root filesystem as R/W


  • Overrides default crosh shell, skips straight to bash shell.
  • Displays a header first, contained within custom_crosh
  • Requires rootFS to be mounted R/W
  • Must be ran from root account, not using sudo.


  • Manages common power manager functions
USAGE: sudo powman [options]
    -d, --disable   Disable Chromebook power management features
    -e, --enable    Enable Chromebook power management features
    -s, --status    Check the power management status