Deployment Process

Pushing a new version of the Docker image

  1. Create a pull request with your changes.
  2. Add a label to the pull request, one of major, minor or patch, depending on your changes. The label will determine how the version number is incremented, following major.minor.patch. The pipeline will fail without this label and a new image will not be pushed to the repository.
  3. After the tests have passed, merge the pull request.
  4. A [Github actions workflow][push_image_workflow] will rerun the tests. If they pass, it will build the docker image. It will then push the image to the [quay repository][quay_repository], tagged with the new version number and create a matching tag in the github repository.
  5. The creation of a tag in the github repository will trigger the [drone pipeline][drone_pipeline] to run and deploy the image to the kubernetes cluster.

Getting started

1.Set up virtual env

$ make build
$ make db-setup
  1. Run basic extraction pipeline
$ make serve
  1. Examine results in Transformation Database
$ make shell-transform
$ psql -Upostgres
$ \c transformation
$ select * from transformation.audit_event;