Coursera Dump

  • The script extracts the list of random 20 courses from the Coursera xml-feed
  • For every course extracts, language, the nearest start date, the number of weeks and the average rating
  • Save this information to the output xlsx-file

How to Install

Python 3 should be already installed. Then use pip (or pip3 if there is a conflict with old Python 2 setup) to install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt # alternatively try pip3

Remember, it is recommended to use virtualenv/venv for better isolation.

How to run

  • Activate virtualenv
source <path_to_virtualenv>/bin/activate
  • Run script with virtualenv-interpreter
<path_to_virtualenv>/bin/python3.5 course_list.xlsx

If everything is fine, you'll see content in your xlsx-file:


Project Goals

The code is written for educational purposes. Training course for web-developers -