
The code accept a path to file-system's directory and find dublicate files.


The program is represented by the module Module contains the following functions:

  • get_args() - parses script command-line arguments
  • get_files_info() - accepts the path to file-system directory and returns info about representing files and files-size
  • get_dublicates() - accepts dictionary and returns dict having paths-count > 1
  • print_result() - prints info about finding files

The program uses these libs from Python Standart Library:

join, getsize, exists, basename from os.path
defaultdict from collections 

How in works:

  • The program reads the first command-line argument(path to directory)
  • parsing directory's content using get_path_content() -function
  • checking for dublicate files using get_dublicates() - function
  • prints info about dublicate_files using print_result()-function

Example of script launch on Linux, Python 3.5:

$ python  <path to dir>

in the console output you will see something like this:

In the directory 'C:\Devman\' was found dublicate files:
Dublicate file "" exists in the following folders:

If haven't dublicate files in the directory, you will see such message: The are no dublicate files in the 'C:\Devman\' directory!

In the cases below, the program will not run:

The program check command-line arguments and if it is wrong, you will see the warning message error: unrecognized arguments and usage-message.

If the the directory doesnt't present in the file-system, you will see the warning message: No such directory <directory> ! If the input-value is not a directory, you will see the warning message: The <dir_name> is not a directory!

Project Goals

The code is written for educational purposes. Training course for web-developers -