
A chess game built in c++, team project developed in CS100 UCR

Primary LanguageC++


Yen Hao Wang (Rick Wang): https://github.com/apo11o-M
Nicholas Martinez (Nicko): https://github.com/nickocruzm
Derrason Towery: https://github.com/Dtowe002
Maya Treves: https://github.com/mtgym2


  1. Run cmake . in the root of the repo to generate the makefile.
  2. Run make to compile the project, this may take a while.
  3. Run the ./main executable
  4. The command line will prompt the user to input the coordinates to control the chess pieces, first the coordinate of the chess piece that you want to move, then the final destination of that chess piece.


Team Members:

- Yen Hao Wang (Rick Wang), (https://github.com/apo11o-M)

- Derrason Towery, https://github.com/Dtowe002

- Maya Treves, https://github.com/mtgym2

- Nicholas Martinez (Nicko), https://github.com/nickocruzm

Our team met both in person and online. Collaboration was necessary for all project components. Confident stating, each member made valued contributions to this project and provided support to one another when confronted with challenges.

External Libraries

  1. Simple and Fast Multimedia Library (SFML), [https://github.com/SFML/SFML.git]
  2. Google Testing, [https://github.com/google/googletest.git]

Project Overview

  • Developed Chess application
  • Written in C++
  • Developed graphical and command line interfaces.
  • User has the option to play against another user or computer.
  • Documentation below provides a further insights to project design.

User Input

Coordinate system used to determine piece locations, is aligned with the coordinate system used in chess. Positions are made up of two componenets row index, and column label.

$$ \text{Row index }, (R) = [1, 8] $$

$$ \text{Column index }, (C) = [A, H] $$

$$ \text{Position }, (P) = (R,C) $$

Command Line Interface

Graphical User Interface



  • Game (concrete):

    • Epic: User should be able to choose their moves and see game updates
    • User stories:
      • Take user inputs
      • Output the pieces and boards
      • Record the historical moves
  • Pieces (abstract):

    • Epic: User should be able to move each game piece
    • User stories:
      • Each piece has its own class that includes all commands and attributes
  • Board (concrete):

    • Epic: User should have a clear depiction of the game board
    • User Stories:
    • Hold the unique location of each piece
  • User Input:

    • Epic: Users should be able to control different aspects of the game with their keyboard
    • User stories:
      • As a user, I want to be able to choose which color I play as
      • As a user, I want to be able to control my chess pieces with my keyboard
  • Objects (composite pattern):

    • Pawn (1)
    • Knight (4)
    • Bishop (4)
    • Queen (8)
    • King (10)

*(strategy pattern): implementing piece functionality

Class Diagram
