
A CSV file of me and friends' bowling stats

Data Columns

  • bowler: name of the bowler
  • date: date game was played
  • location: where game was played (union: UT University Union, highland: Highland lanes)
  • game_num': number of game played in a day (1: first of the day, etc...)
  • throwdata_avail: a bool representing whether data for individual throws are avaliable
  • score: player's score for given game
  • strike_cnt: number of strikes player scored in a given game
  • spare_cnt: number of spares player scored in a given game
  • foul_cnt: number of fouls player had during a given game
  • fX_tY: pins knocked down on throw Y of frame X. A value of F represents a foul. A blank value represents that that throw did not take place (usually due to a strike).