If you are building big web application with different components for desktop / mobile + tablet (landscape and portrait), after some time you'll face with lots of problems.
npm i react-mobile-app -S
Secondly, how can you manage it, when user will change device orientation and your application should handle it completely rebuilding frontend?
For clear components-based architecture I propose to use the following approach
import { mobileDetector } from 'react-mobile-app'
import { ComponentDesktop } from './Component.desktop'
import { ComponentMobilePortrait } from './ComponentMobile.portrait'
import { ComponentMobileLandscape } from './ComponentMobile.landscape'
import { ComponentTabletPortrait } from './ComponentTablet.portrait'
import { ComponentTabletLandscape } from './ComponentTablet.landscape'
export const Component = mobileDetector(
[ComponentMobilePortrait, ComponentMobileLandscape],
[ComponentTabletPortrait, ComponentTabletLandscape]
So this's it, ground zero.
import { mobileDetector } from 'react-mobile-app'
[ComponentMobilePortrait?, ComponentMobileLandscape?],
[ComponentTabletPortrait?, ComponentTabletLandscape?]
has only required param mobileDetector(ComponentDesktop)
for the desktop view
If you skip any other parameters it will work in the following way
mobileDetector(ComponentDesktop, [ComponentMobilePortrait])
ComponentDesktop for all mobile devices representation, ignore orientation and device type (mobile / tablet) -
mobileDetector(ComponentDesktop, [ComponentMobilePortrait, ComponentMobileLandscape])
Both presentations (landscape / portrait) but ignoring device type (mobile / tablet) -
mobileDetector(ComponentDesktop, [ComponentMobilePortrait, ComponentMobileLandscape], [ComponentTabletPortrait])
For mobile presented two different orientaion (landscape / portrait) but for the tablet it'll be one view -
mobileDetector(ComponentDesktop, [ComponentMobilePortrait, ComponentMobileLandscape], [ComponentTabletPortrait])
Full version - mobile / tablet presented in two orientaions (landscape / portrait)
You can easy detect orientation changes using orientationDetector
import { orientationDetector } from 'react-mobile-app'
orientationDetector(portrait, landscape)
If you have this component only for desktop presentation, it can easy by the onlyDesktop
In any other case it will be () => null
is non-required param
import { onlyForDesktop, onlyForMobile, onlyForTablet } from 'react-mobile-app'
const desktopComponent = onlyForDesktop(desktop)
const mobileComponent = onlyForMobile(portrait, landscape)
const tabletComponent = onlyForTablet(portrait, landscape)
You can find the next helpfull methods under the hood
const isMobile = (): boolean => Boolean
const isTablet = (): boolean => Boolean
const matchMediaQuery = (): MediaQueryList => window.matchMedia('(orientation: landscape)')
const isLandscape = (): boolean => matchMediaQuery().matches
const mobileDetect: MobileDetect = new MobileDetect(navigator.userAgent)
You can import anything what you need
import {
} from 'react-mobile-app'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { mobileDetector } from 'react-mobile-app'
import { action } from './reducer'
import { ComponentDesktop } from './Component.desktop'
import { ComponentMobilePortrait } from './ComponentMobile.portrait'
import { ComponentMobileLandscape } from './ComponentMobile.landscape'
import { ComponentTabletPortrait } from './ComponentTablet.portrait'
import { ComponentTabletLandscape } from './ComponentTablet.landscape'
const mapStateToProps = props => ({ ...props })
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
action: () => dispatch(action())
const Component = connect(
[ComponentMobilePortrait, ComponentMobileLandscape],
[ComponentTabletPortrait, ComponentTabletLandscape]
Use Storybook for easy UI development
You can configurate it for different flow on mobile and desktop
import React from 'react'
import { configure } from '@storybook/react'
import { isMobile, isTablet } from 'react-mobile-app'
const desktopContext = () => require.context('../src', true, /\.((?!mobile)|(?!tablet))\..*\.story\.js$/)
const mobileContext = () => require.context('../src', true, /\.mobile\.story\.js$/)
const tabletContext = () => require.context('../src', true, /\.tablet\.story\.js$/)
const calculateContext = () => {
if (isMobile()) {
return mobileContext()
if (isTablet()) {
return desktopContext()
const ctx = calculateContext()
function loadStories() {
configure(loadStories, module)
Then you can easily add specific stories to your filesystem mobile and tablet
May the force be with you!