FSE Customization Checker

The FSE Customization Checker is a basic tool to help determine the extent of FSE template and style changes made to the active theme on a WordPress site. On a single settings page in wp-admin it will list all templates and template parts for the active theme, indicate whether the template is custom, or is an original theme file that's been customized, and will also show all style changes (i.e. global styles) made to the theme.

How to Use

Go to the FSE Customization Checker page in wp-admin to view the changes.

Templates and Template Parts

The first two tables show the changes made (if any) to the Templates and Template Parts. The "Customized" columns is blank if the template is an original theme file that has not been customized in the site editor. If the column shows "User generated", this means the template was created in the site editor and does not exist in the "templates" or "parts" folder in the theme files. For columns showing "Customized theme template", this means the template exists in the theme "templates" or "parts" folders, but has been edited in the Site Editor.

Global Styles Overrides

This section shows any overriding changes made in the styles section of the Site Editor. It should be noted that the very first save of any template or part in the site editor will trigger the creation of the wp_global_styles post type and will show the content:

"isGlobalStylesUserThemeJSON": true,
  "version": 2

The above alone is not a customization to the global styles. Additional content above these two entries, if any, would be the global styles customizations.

Additionally, if a theme included Style is applied, for example Twenty Twenty Three ships with ten additional styles, these get applied in the "Global Styles Overrides", with no indication of which variation was applied.

Patterns, Classic Custom CSS

Both synced and un-synced patterns will always show as "User Generated". This is because these only live in the database, and as such do not "compare" against any theme files as mentioned in the notes below.

Synced Patterns (since WordPress 6.3) were formaly known as Reuseable Blocks, and are not part of any theme files, nor meant to be. They are user generated for convenience.

Un-synced Patterns are also user generated and work slightly different to the patterns found in theme files.

These are included and displayed for convenience.

Other Notes

Keep in mind the plugin compares differences to what is found in the theme files vs what is found the database. If you "save" your changes to your theme files using the "Create Block Theme" plugin for example, this usually clears out the saved changes in the database - meaning this plugin would show no customizations are present. Again, the intent of this plugin is to be used as tool to mainly help theme developers and site builders.

Known Issues

  • The plugin does not work with classic themes, like Twenty Twenty One for example. Visiting the FSE Customization Checker page in wp-admin will show a loading icon, but don't try waiting - you'll be there for a very very long time!
  • The plugin does not currently show css customizations added to the customizer (at /wp-admin/customize.php).



  • Added Synced and Un-synced patterns
  • Added classic customizer custom css
  • Additional verbose logging in the browser console
  • Collapsible sections for easier reading


  • Initial release