
This system is meant for demo purposes.http://chk.nwhdental.com

Primary LanguageHTML




This repo contain all the necesary file and folders for an accounting system as wel as inventory.It also contain more files related to another test system in development. All data in the database are purely dumy data to be used for test purposes.

Quick Overview

This guide contains screenshots of what to expect. The site has been hosted on one of my subdomains here


default password is : 1234

NB: the password only works on one machine per login as set once loged in the picture below should appear

choose sales and it should lead you to the dashboard with the following:

  1. Make Sale -here you can generate ;
    • receipt
    • invoice
    • pending
  2. sales manager :contain ;
    • sales
    • inventory
    • payment
  3. input manager :contains al purchase details;
    • Raise PO
    • Input inventory
    • Purchase orders List
    • Returns
  4. Output Manager :this where you can ad you products
    • Output Inventory
  5. expenses Manager :this hold record of your expences
    • current Expenses
    • Paid Expenses
  6. Finance :this holds all financial records of the entire business.Includes ;
    • total Expenses
    • Total SALES
    • Total Credit
    • P/l Statement
    • Store credit
  7. Reports :this hold detailed reports of company day to day business


this contains a pRoposed idea of what the employees could use to make sales and track business.


Used phpmyadmin . With the databse file you can reconfigure setting on any hosting phpmyadmin server as follows; You can download database by clicking here

$dbhost = "localhost";
$dbuser = "root";
$dbpass = "";
$dbname = "chk";

$sql_details = array(
   'user' => $dbuser,
   'pass' => $dbpass,
   'db'   => $dbname,
   'host' => $dbhost
$connection = mysqli_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass,$dbname);
//Test if connection error occured

   die("Database conncetion faied:" .mysqli_connect_error(). "(". mysqli_connect_errno().")" );


THis system is stil in development and therefore you might notice some error in some pages where it is not complete yet in redirecting.