
Github.io for ODR, with the usage map visible on https://www.opendigitalradio.org/software/odr-usage-map

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Github.io for ODR

This repository contains different tools related to ODR and DAB.

If you operate a transmitter using the ODR-mmbTools and would like to appear on the map, please open an issue or a pull request.

The following information is needed:

  • type of transmission: test/regular/inactive
  • name of the multiplex
  • DAB channel of the multiplex
  • name of the area covered
  • the date the transmission began or is planned to begin (ideally DD.MM.YYYY)
  • name of the operator
  • URL of the operator
  • additional information URL
  • geographical coordinates in format E.EEEEE, N.NNNNN

Ideally, modify the map data in map/data.js and open a pull request.

Thank you!

A calculator that allows to retrieve the required amount of CUs for a subchannel with certain parameters.