
A little daemon that watches my clipboard for hex colors and displays the color in a tiny popup.

Primary LanguageGo


Display the color of the selected hex color code instantly using colord_display. Additionally, colord_monitor can be used to monitor your clipboard for copied #FFF or #FFFFFF color codes and quickly display the color.


I have been using Zed but I need to be able to quickly see the color for the color code when I am doing website design.

Install / Build

Installing will build the binaries and place them in the the user's ~/bin directory. It will also create a colord bash file to easily launch a colord clipboard daemon.



make clean

Zed Integration

I use this in Zed to quickly see the color code. Add the following to your Zed config files:


  "label": "HEX Color Diplay",
  "command": "colord_display \"$ZED_SELECTED_TEXT\" 1 50",
  "reveal": "never"

colord_display arguments: 1 is the number of seconds to display the color, 50 is the window width.


  "context": "Workspace",
  "bindings": {
    "alt-g": ["task::Spawn", { "task_name": "HEX Color Diplay" }]


This program is two parts.

  1. A daemon that monitors the clipboard for color codes and launches the colord_display program.
  2. the colord_display program displays the color in the bottom right corner of your screen and then shuts down.

This program is in two parts because I didn't want a application sitting in my macos dock all the time, this way the colord_display` app will terminate after displaying the color and the macos dock item will be closed.