
Primary LanguageJavaScript

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Below you will find some information on how to perform common tasks.
You can find the most recent version of this guide here.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

  • Install Node
  • Install Yarn
  • Run yarn command
  • Run yarn start to run the project


  • Make sure the mongo PATH is added to your environment variables so you can access mongo from your command line
    • test that it is working by running mongo -nodb in the terminal, you should enter the mongo shell
  • Run yarn add mongoose --save

  • Run yarn add mongodb --save

  • Next run mongod

    • You should see a message waiting for connections on port 27017
  • Finally, open another terminal and run the command mongo, this will open up a shell to manually do operations on our databases

MongoDB Schemas:



Type Description
String self-explanatory
Number self-explanatory
Date not hooked into mongoose change, if you change it with a method you must tell mongoose about the change manually
Buffer idk to be honest
Boolean plain JavaScript booleans
Mixed harder to maintain, but can have multiple things
ObjectId idk
Array holds arrays of SchemaTypes or arrays of subdocuments
Decimal128 128-bit decimal floating points
Map keys must be strings

Generic Schema Example:

// this would be held in models/*.js
// * is is upper camelcase

var mongoose *Schema = require('mongoose')

var *Schema = new mongoose.Schema({
    varname1: Type,
    varname2: Type,

module.exports = *Schema;

To register the model with the application, put require('./models/*); above the required app.use(require('./routes')); in the file app.js.

Schema Methods

Can have methods, getters, and setters


Allows for password hashing! simply run yarn add bcrypt

Adding a user with Postman

If you want to add yourself or some other user, go into Postman and make a post request, go to body and click the 'raw' tab, then select json text. A user takes the form of this json object:

{ "firstName": "Dwight", "lastName": "Shrute", "email": "email@email.com", "username": "blahblah", "password": "super_secret_pswd" }

Make sure you have a mongodb open and you are running yarn start-api

API controllers and different paths.

Each class has 4 different methods in its controller -add -remove -modify -get

User is a bit different but not by much.

I tried to make all of the paths the same format, they all take the id of the object you are referencing exept for create which takes the parents id

User: creating a user: .post("/api/register") getting a user: .get("/api/user/:userId") signing in: .post("/api/logout") logging out .post("/api/logout") deleting a user .delete("/api/user/:userId")

Quiz: creating a quiz: .post("/api/quiz/:userId) deleting a quiz: .delete("/api/quiz/:quizId) getting a quiz: .get("/api/quiz/:quizId/") updating a quiz: .put("/api/quiz/:quizId")

Question: creating a question: .post("/api/question/:quizId") deleting a question: .delete("/api/question/:questionId) getting a question: .get("/api/question/:questionId") updating a question: .put("/api/question/:questionId")

Answer: creating an answer: .post("/api/answer/:questionId) deleting an answer: .delete("/api/answer/:answerId") getting an answer: .get("/api/answer/:answerId") updating an answer: .put("/api/answer/:answerId")