Asset Preview
A project to help preview the assets for a Flutter/Dart project in one go. Since Flutter or IDEs like Android Studio or Visual Studio Code do not provide a way to preview the assets, this project aims to provide a way to preview the assets.
It is a simple project built using Golang. It opens a browser window and displays the assets in a list with the file name and the image.
- Download the binary from the releases page.
- Run the binary in the root directory of the project. Or in the directory where the assets are located.
- Provide the path to the assets directory. If path is not provided, the program will look for the assets in the current directory.
./asset-preview -path="/path/to/assets"
- An
file will be generated. It will open in the default browser.
The file will be generated in the current directory.
Note: Do not push this file to the version control.
- Clone the repository.
- Run the following command to build the binary.
go build
- Run the binary in the root directory of the project. Or in the directory where the assets are located.
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch.
- Make changes.
- Create a pull request.
All contributions are welcome! 🤗
- Test on Windows, Linus OS
- Add command line arguments to take in the file types to preview