
A Todo list mobile app made using Flutter and Firebase.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


Flutter and Firebase app for managing your To-Do list.


  • User authentication with email and password
  • Add to-do items
  • Mark items as done
  • Profile page with user info
  • Logout

Technologies used:

  • Flutter for the mobile app
  • Firebase as the serverless backend, with Firestore for the database and Firebase Authentication for user authentication.
  • Riverpod for state management and dependency injection

Cloud Firestore structure:

- users (collection)
    - user_id (document)
        - name
        - email
        - todos (subcollection)
            - todo_id (document)
                - title 
                - isCompleted
  • Collection users contains documents with user_id as the document id.
    This user_id is the same as the uid provided by Firebase Authentication.
  • Each document contains the user's information like their name, email, etc.
  • Along with information, it contains a subcollection todos which contains documents with todo_id as the document id.
  • Each document in the todos collection contains information of the todo item like the title of the to-do item and a boolean isCompleted which is true if the item is marked as done.

Future Scope that can be added:

  • Sharing lists with other users
  • Collaborating on lists with other users along with providing access control
  • Deleting items
  • Adding due dates to items
  • Adding reminders
  • Search functionality
  • Adding tags to items
