An iOS Keyboard Extension that allows for interacting with LLMs directly from any text input field. The LLM response is placed into the text field. Includes options to send clipboard contents with the request to help instruct/guide the response.
- adeelahmad@XohoTech
- allenleexyz@yttl-sh
- amarildolucasRJ, Brasil
- bgoldste
- cansoysal
- cornishlikeadam
- DadybayoMempool
- dongyuweiXIAN
- entnetzt
- HANMIN-pui
- hues0sArchiSnapper
- jckwDelphia
- jerryzhao173985
- jiyeeByteDance Inc.
- kevinQTruong
- l5g
- lemieappVenice
- LevetonLos Angeles
- MathieuDubartFrance
- mikedemarais@rainbow-me
- o-az
- Pent
- peterferguson@onit-labs
- pluginslab
- princerumiStrategy Market
- pynchmeister
- rachaelchan
- Rhydderch
- rxacevedoFL
- Saik0sDiemen, Netherlands
- shalom-avivIndepended developer
- simonweniger@jupus-legal
- tjd-devChicago
- v-bosch
- wangxuncaiGH
- zjinhu北京