
My Karabiner scripts and Seil settings for OS X

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My Karabiner scripts and Seil settings for OS X

Get the Karabiner software at https://pqrs.org/osx/karabiner/ Get the Seil software at https://pqrs.org/osx/karabiner/seil.html.en

Set Seil to change the caps lock key to keycode 62 Set keyboard to no action on caps lock in OS X prefs Use the private.xml for Karabiner

What it does: This disables your caps lock key and [caps lock + { W, A, S, D }] become arrow keys Why?: I like this method of navigation in text editors sometimes and I dislike the caps lock key

see also AutoHotkey version for Windows at https://github.com/nickschoeb/NicksWindowsAutohotkeyScripts