A tiny little app to post Fitocracy workouts to Slack.
heroku create
- Log in to Fitocracy.
- Inspect any web request via the network inspector in your browser.
- From the
Request Headers
section, copy the entire cookie string. heroku config:add FITOCRACY_COOKIE=<cookie_string>
- Visit a user on Fitocracy who you want to track and open up the inspector again.
- Type
and hit enter. heroku config:add FITOCRACY_USER_IDS_TO_FOLLOW=583852,583853
heroku config:add SLACK_WEBHOOK_URLS=<slack_webhook_url>,<slack_webhook_url2>
heroku addons:add mongolab:sandbox
heroku addons:add scheduler:standard
git push heroku
heroku run node .
heroku addons:open scheduler
- Add job ->
node index.js
->Every 10 minutes