
A tiny little app to post Fitocracy workouts to Slack.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


A tiny little app to post Fitocracy workouts to Slack.

  1. heroku create
  2. Log in to Fitocracy.
  3. Inspect any web request via the network inspector in your browser.
  4. From the Request Headers section, copy the entire cookie string.
  5. heroku config:add FITOCRACY_COOKIE=<cookie_string>
  6. Visit a user on Fitocracy who you want to track and open up the inspector again.
  7. Type profile_user_id and hit enter.
  8. heroku config:add FITOCRACY_USER_IDS_TO_FOLLOW=583852,583853
  9. heroku config:add SLACK_WEBHOOK_URLS=<slack_webhook_url>,<slack_webhook_url2>
  10. heroku addons:add mongolab:sandbox
  11. heroku addons:add scheduler:standard
  12. git push heroku
  13. heroku run node .
  14. heroku addons:open scheduler
  15. Add job -> node index.js -> Every 10 minutes