Delivery Application

This is Management System for Delivery Service. Application contains UI part and API part. There are two roles in the application Delivery manager and Courier

  • Delivery manager has specific permissions to manage system resources(couriers, packages) from UI.
  • Courier could manage packages by API.

Technologies used in the project:

  • Ruby: 2.6.5
  • Rails: 5.2
  • Swagger
  • PostgreSQL: 12.2
  • Heroku
  • Gitlab CI (with default runners)

Technologies description

Swagger(rswag gem) used for API documentation and integration testing

PostgreSQL - Database

Gitlab CI used with such sequence Security check -> Code style check -> Tests -> Deploy

Heroku used as hosting for application

How to get the app:

  • clone repository
  • intall gems
  • install and run PostgreSQL server
  • migrate DB
  • run local server

How to touch the app:

Go to Heroku and log in as Delivery manager with this credentials:

  • Email:
  • Password: password

If you want to use API, just investigate API documentation The sign in to api and get token as courier with this credentials:

  • Email: test@test.test
  • Password: password

Then you can use API

Full application functionality and described in 20 User stories:

  • US 1. As system I want to store information about Package in the database Package should have following fields:

    • UUID(primary key)
    • created date
    • updated date
    • estimated delivery date
    • tracking number(format: YA<8 digits sequence>AA)
    • delivery status(new, processing, delivered, cancelled)

    Tracking number should be generated automatically by system Default delivery status of package should be new

  • US 2. As system I want to store information about DeliveryManager in the database DeliveryManager should have following fields:

    • UUID(primary key)
    • created date
    • updated date ○ enabled
  • US 3. As system admin I want to be able to manage system resources using ActiveAdmin interface

    • Install and configure Active Admin administration framework
  • US 4. As DeliveryManager I should be able to login to admin interface

    • only active DeliveryManagers can login to system
  • US 5. As DeliveryManager I should have specific permissions to manage system resources

    • Use Pundit library to configure system policies
    • DeliveryManager should be able to manage Packages in system
    • DeliveryManager should be able to manage Couriers in system
  • US 6. As system I should be able to save PackageAssignment

    • PackageAssignment should be related to the Package and the Courier
  • US 7. As DeliveryManager I should be able to assign Courier to Package

    • Only packages in processing status can be assigned
    • Package should have status assigned on success
  • US 8. As DeliveryManager I should be able to cancel package via Admin panel

    • Packages with status new and processing can be cancelled
  • US 9. As Courier app developer I should be able to access API documentation

    • API endpoints should be documented by Swagger
    • Integration tests for application should use Swagger docs
  • US 10. As Courier I should be able to login to system via API

    • Courier can login using email and password
    • On success login user gets auth token for further actions
    • Auth token should expire in 24 hours
  • US 11. As Courier I should be able authenticate using Auth token

    • Handle auth token sent in Authorization header
  • US 12. As Courier I should be able to see package details by API Package should have following fields:

    • estimated delivery date
    • tracking number
    • delivery status
  • US 13. As Courier I should be able to get list of assigned packages by API

    • List of packages should contain the following information:
      • UUID
      • estimated delivery date
      • tracking number
  • US 14. As Courier I should be able to pick-up assigned package by API

    • Courier can pick-up packages with assigned status
    • On pick-up action status of package changes to pickuped
  • US 15. As Courier I should be able to cancel assigned by API

    • Courier can cancel packages with assigned status
    • On cancel action status of package changes to processing
  • US 16. As Courier I should be able to generate delivery confirmation URL

    • Confirmation url can be accessed by anyone
    • Confirmation url should be valid for 10 minutes
    • On confirm, Package status should be set on delivered
  • US 17. As Courier I should be able to upload my driver license for verification

    • Courier can upload multipart image as his driver license
    • Courier can upload image only once
  • US 18. As DeliveryManager I should be able to validate Courier

    • DeliveryManager can check validity of Couriers driver licence in admin panel
    • DeliveryManager can validate Courier using button
    • DeliveryManager can not edit driver license
  • US 19. As non-valid Courier I should not be able to access application

    • Non-valid couriers are not allowed to access application
  • US 20. As Courier app developer I should be able to deploy my program on Heroku using Gitlab pipeline

    • Setup on demand deployment process to Heroku hosting using Gitlab CI
    • Deployment should be available only when all other Pipeline tasks are completed successfully