
Makes slate, also makes slate ready docs from Postgres

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple CLI for Shins

Which generates static files for you to do with as you wish


Usage: make-shins [options]


    -V, --version                  output the version number
    -i, --input <input>            Input markdown file
    -o, --output <output>          Output directory
    -l, --logo <logo>              logo.png file to use
    -c, --custom-css <custom-css>  Directory to custom CSS
    -i, --inline <inline>          Inlines CSS and JS, minifies output
    -m, --minify <minify>          Minifies the output
    -h, --help                     output usage information

More Information

Checkout Mermade/shins for details. Shins is not slate.