
These are my dotfiles. Take anything you want, but at your own risk.

It mainly targets macOS systems, but it works on at least Ubuntu as well.


  • Minimal efforts to install everything, using a Makefile
  • Mostly based around Homebrew, Caskroom and Node.js, latest Bash + GNU Utils
  • Fast and slick powerline10k prompt
  • Updated macOS defaults
  • Well-organized and easy to customize


On a sparkling fresh installation of macOS:

sudo softwareupdate -i -a
xcode-select --install

The Xcode Command Line Tools includes git and make (not available on stock macOS).

Clone manually into the desired location:

git clone git@github.com:nickspiel/environment.git ~/.dotfiles

Use the Makefile to install everything listed above, and configs (using stow):

cd ~/.dotfiles


Many thanks to the dotfiles community.