
The most powerful theme for Sublime Text 3

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Meetio is the most powerful theme for Sublime Text 3 with different scheme variations only for 3176+ version.

This theme is inspired upon the:

You can help improve the theme by reporting issues here.


Package Control:

  1. Open Command Palette using menu item Tools → Command Palette or cmd/ctrl + shift +p
  2. Choose Package Control: Install Package
  3. Type Meetio and press enter
  4. Restart Sublime Text
    • macOS : menu item Sublime Text → Quit Sublime Text
    • Windows: menu item File → Exit
    • Linux : menu item File → Exit
  5. Ready to use 👍


  1. Download latest release and unzip. it into your Packages folder
  2. Go to Sublime Text → Preferences → Browse Packages
  3. Move folder to inside and rename the folder to Meetio
  4. Restart Sublime Text
  5. Start using 🏁

Activate the theme

You can active this theme from:

  1. Command Palette Tools → Command Palette or cmd/ctrl + shift + p
  2. Typing UI: Select Theme next find for Meetio and press enter
  3. Same process for scheme go to the Command Palette.
  4. Typing UI: Select Color Scheme choose you favorite scheme and press enter

Manually you can go to (Preferences > Settings - User) and paste the following code:

    "color_scheme": "Packages/Meetio/schemes/Meetio.sublime-color-scheme",
    "theme": "Meetio.sublime-theme"

Theme Settings

This theme provide a visual configuration tool that allow you to configure the theme by activating the available options from an inline popup.

  • Just click in Sublime Text → Preferences → Packages Settings → Meetio → Edit Settings.
  • You can also open the settings from the Command Palette by searching Meetio: Edit Settings.
    // Tabs
    "meetio_tabs_autowidth"       : true,  // Enable auto width for tabs
    "meetio_tabs_big"             : true,  // Set tabs big
    "meetio_tabs_bold"            : true,  // Make the tab labels bolder only in selected
    "meetio_tabs_selected_border" : true,  // Show border in selected tab
    "meetio_tabs_diff_icon"       : true,  // Show icon diff in tab
    "meetio_tabs_diff_highlight"  : false, // Show diff tab with different color

    // Sidebar
    "meetio_sidebar_font_big"     : true,  // Set large font in sidebar
    "meetio_compact_sidebar"      : true,  // Set compact sidebar
    "meetio_arrow_folders"        : true,  // Replace folder icons with arrows
    "meetio_sidebar_disclosure"   : true,  // Set disclosure tree controls

    // Panels
    "meetio_titlebar"             : true,  // Enable title bar (OS X 10.10+)
    "meetio_input_search_icon"    : true,  // Show icon search in inputs

    // Statusbar
    "meetio_status_badges"        : true,  // Show vcs status badges in the status bar

Theme Configuration

Meetio provides a bunch of variables to improve your experience with theming.

  • Just click in Sublime Text → Preferences → Packages Settings → Meetio → Theme Configuration.
  • You can also open the settings from the Command Palette by searching Meetio: Theme Configuration.
    "variables": {
        "colorAccent": "#6772e4",
        "statusbarBackground": "#6772e4",
        "statusbarLabelColor": "#fff"

Do you like Material Theme?

Active the option meetio_tabs_selected_border in Meetio: Edit Settings and past the following theme configurations in Meetio: Theme Configuration and the see magic happens.

    "variables": {
        "inputBorderColor": ["foreground", 0.1],
        "inputBackground": ["background", 1],
        "inputBorderSize": [0, 0, 0, 1],
        "sidebarIconFolderColor": "#607a86",
        "sidebarLabelColor": "#607a86",
        "sidebarLabelSelectedColor": "var(colorAccent)",
        "sidebarBackground": ["background", 1.0],
        "sidebarLabelSelectedBackground": "#00000015",
        "panelControlBackground": ["background", 1.0],
        "statusbarBackground": ["background", 1.0],
        "statusbarLabelColor": "#607a86",
        "tabFontSize": 12,
        "tabWidth": 120,
        "tabBackground": ["background", 1.0],
        "tabSelectedColor": ["foreground", 1],
        "tabSelectedBorderSize": [0, 0, 0, 1],
        "tabCloseSelectedColor": ["foreground", 1],
        "titleBarBackground": ["background", 1.0],
        "titleBarColor": "#607a86"

Recommended settings for a better experience:

    "always_show_minimap_viewport" : true,
    "bold_folder_labels"           : true,
    "line_padding_bottom"          : 7,
    "line_padding_top"             : 7,
    "overlay_scroll_bars"          : "enabled",
    "highlight_modified_tabs"      : "enabled",
    "font_face"                    : "Fira Code"