
Script for setting up a low end box running Ubuntu

Primary LanguageShell


Written for a 512MB/1GB Ubuntu VPS. I realize this isn't exactly "low end", but this script is made for high traffic sites on a budget. Tip: This is perfect for Digital Ocean's $5/month SSD server.



Remove excess packages (apache2, sendmail, bind9, samba, nscd, etc) and install the basic components needed for a light-weight HTTP(S) web server:

  • ufw (firewall)
  • dash (replaces bash)
  • syslogd
  • MariaDB (v10, based on MySQL 5.6)
  • PHP-FPM (v5.3+ with APC installed and configured)
  • nginx (configured for lowend VPS. Change worker_processes in nginx.conf according to number of CPUs)
  • git, vim, nano, mc, htop, iftop & iotop

Note: When running the UFW command you must specify a SSH port. Remember, port 22 is the default. It's recommended that you change this from 22 just to save server load from attacks on that port.

Usage (in recommended order)

Warning! This script will overwrite previous configs during reinstallation.

cd ~; wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.github.com/marshallford/lowendubuntu/master/setup-ubuntu.sh; chmod +x setup-ubuntu.sh

./setup-ubuntu.sh system
./setup-ubuntu.sh ufw [port]
./setup-ubuntu.sh mariadb
./setup-ubuntu.sh nginx
./setup-ubuntu.sh php

After the minimal usage, create websites with the following commands...

The lowendubuntu scipt includes a sample nginx config files for PHP sites. You can create a basic site shell (complete with nginx vhost) like this:

./setup-ubuntu.sh site example-domain.tld

The script also includes a basic WordPress setup function, just remember to setup and connect a database afterwords.

./setup-ubuntu.sh wordpress example-domain.tld

Extra Commands

Harden openSSH

Hardens openSSH with PermitRoot and PasswordAuthentication

./setup-ubuntu.sh harden_ssh [option #]

1 = All users including root can only login via SSH-keys.

2 = Normal users can login via SSH-keys, root can't login at all.

3 = Root can't login, normal users can use SSH-keys or plain passwords.

4 = Normal users can login with SSH-keys or plain passwords, root can only login via SSH-keys.

Git based deployment system

Uses git hooks and checkout, supports WordPress installs. (Script Source)

./setup-ubuntu.sh gitdeploy [domain.tld]

Supported only on OpenVZ only, vzfree reports correct memory usage

./setup-ubuntu.sh vzfree
Fail2ban (bruteforce/Dos firewall)

Installs a firewall to protect against bruteforce attacks on ssh and http(s) ports.

./setup-ubuntu.sh fail2ban
Classic Disk I/O and Network test

Run the classic Disk IO (dd) & Classic Network (cachefly) Test

./setup-ubuntu.sh test
Memory Usage Script

Neat python script to report memory usage per app

./setup-ubuntu.sh ps_mem
sources.list updating

Updates Ubuntu/Debian /etc/apt/sources.list to default based on whatever version you are running (Debian is always stable)

./setup-ubuntu.sh apt
Info on Operating System, version and Architecture
./setup-ubuntu.sh info
Fixing locale on some OpenVZ Ubuntu templates
./setup-ubuntu.sh locale
Configure or reconfigure MOTD
./setup-ubuntu.sh motd

After installation

  • Use ufw status to get information on your firewall status.
  • Run htop to see RAM and CPU usage
  • By default PHP is configured to max at 156MB
  • By default APC is configured to use 48MB for caching.
  • To reduce ram usage, you may disable APC by moving or deleting the following file - /etc/php5/conf.d/apc.ini
  • Reboot to test that everything is working ok after a boot cycle.



Additional Credits from LET

Great Hosts/People

People that have helped along the way