
Scalable templating engine

Primary LanguageJavaGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


Succinct is a minimal templating engine designed for concurrency and efficiency. It has an especially abstract data model, allowing you to back your templates by fetching template data on-demand, during render-time, according to your own complex synchronization protocols. It comes with lots of tools to help you make your data "templatable."

Please see the [Succinct web site] (http://threecrickets.com/succinct/) for more information.



    <name>Three Crickets Repository</name>

Building Succinct

All you need to build Succinct is [Ant] (http://ant.apache.org/).

Simply change to the "/build/" directory and run "ant".

During the build process, build and distribution dependencies will be downloaded from an online repository at http://repository.threecrickets.com/, so you will need Internet access.

The result of the build will go into the "/build/distribution/" directory. Temporary files used during the build process will go into "/build/cache/", which you are free to delete.

Configuring the Build

The "/build/custom.properties" file contains configurable settings, along with some commentary on what they are used for. You are free to edit that file, however to avoid git conflicts, it would be better to create your own "/build/private.properties" instead, in which you can override any of the settings. That file will be ignored by git.

To avoid the "bootstrap class path not set" warning during compilation (harmless), configure the "compile.boot" setting in "private.properties" to the location of an "rt.jar" file belonging to JVM version 6.

Deploying to Maven

You do not need Maven to build Succinct, however you can deploy your build to a Maven repository using the "deploy-maven" Ant target. To enable this, you must install [Maven] (http://maven.apache.org/) and configure its path in "private.properties".

Still Having Trouble?

Join the [Prudence Community] (http://groups.google.com/group/prudence-community), and tell us where you're stuck! We're very happy to help newcomers get up and running.