

Primary LanguagePython



  1. xcode-select --install and agree, etc, etc.

  2. Install Homebrew. Copy latest install line from brew.sh/ or the GH repo

  3. Install Homebrew packages:

    brew install \
        pyenv \
        pyenv-virtualenv \
        pyenv-pip-migrate \
        pyenv-ccache \
        ffmpeg \
        xz \
        tcl-tk \
        sqlite3 \
        zlib \
        readline \
  4. Install Oh My ZSH! Copy latest install line from ohmyz.sh or the GH repo

  5. Build a Python or five. I usually install latest patch version of everything not EOL'd, which if the latest is 3.x, also includes 3.x-1, 3.x-2, 3.x-3... See pyenv install --list for what's available, or check endoflife.date:

    # (this is 'one' line/command)
    curl -sSL https://endoflife.date/api/python.json \
    | jq --arg today $(date '+%Y-%m-%d') \
        --raw-output \
        '.[] | select(.eol > $today) | .cycle' \
    | while read ver
        latest_available=$(pyenv install --list \
            | grep -e "^\s*$ver" \
            | tail -1 \
            | xargs \
        echo "$ver >> $latest_available"
        pyenv install --skip-existing $latest_available
  6. pyenv completions for zsh: pyenv init >> ~/.zshrc

  7. Create general-purpose Python virtualenv and set as global default

    pyenv virtualenv $latest main
    # be able to launch a specific Python version if desired.
    pyenv global main 3.12.2 3.11.8 3.10.13 3.9.18 3.8.18
  8. PipX

    1. Install & Configure

      brew install pipx
      pipx ensurepath
    2. Install some good stand-alone utils. HTTPie gives http, which is like cURL for the 21st century. Black is just nice to have anywhere if working with Python.

      pipx install \
          httpie \
  9. Jupyter Notebook

    1. Prep virtualenv

      python -m venv ~/.local/jupyter
      ~/.local/jupyter/bin/python -m pip install jupyter
    2. Configure... TODO

  10. If you installed VS Code, search for "Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH" and run that so code works on the command line.


Working on automating more of this for multiple OSs, but I need it so infrequently that it's a bit of playing catch-up every time I get a new computer and needing to update a few packages here and there, which kinda obviates trying to automate it all.

python3 syssetup.py pyenv
python3 syssetup.py install-pybuild-libs
python3 syssetup.py pyenv-install-supported
pyenv virtualenv 3.12.0 global
pyenv global global 3.12.0 3.11.6 3.10.13 3.9.18 3.8.18