
Webserver code and Kubernetes config for nicktrave.rs

Primary LanguageHTML


My website, accessible at nicktrave.rs.

Cluster setup


First, ensure you have Helm.

Create a Cloudflare origin certificate for the domain and create a TLS Secret from it.

$ kubectl create secret tls envoy \
  --key=/dev/shm/key.pem \

Google Container Registry (GCR)

In order for the kubelet to pull the container images from Google Cloud, a Secret needs to exist with the Docker pull credentials.

Fetch the key from the appropriate service account (i.e. prod / staging):

# E.g. for staging.
$ gcloud iam service-accounts keys create \
  /dev/shm/key.json \

Create the K8s Secret:

$ kubectl create secret docker-registry gcr \
  --docker-server https://gcr.io \
  --docker-username=_json_key \
  --docker-email=user@example.com \
  --docker-password="$(cat /dev/shm/key.json)"


Run the site locally with the following:

$ make run-docker

Open the page at http://localhost:3000.

Staging (GCP)

The site will deploy to staging automatically when a change is pushed to the staging branch.

A deploy can be initiated manually with the following:

View actions here.

$ export GCP_PROJECT_ID=...
$ ./deploy/deploy.sh staging staging

Production (GCP)

The site is deployed to Production automatically when a change lands on the main branch.

View actions here.

A deploy can be initiated manually with the following:

$ export GCP_PROJECT_ID=...
$ ./deploy/deploy.sh prod $(git rev-parse HEAD)