
Example of running SPIRE with Envoy as a front proxy in a Kubernetes cluster.

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SPIRE / Envoy / K8s

Example of running SPIRE with Envoy as a front proxy in a Kubernetes cluster.

Envoy is configured as a proxy handling the transport between the K8s cluster and a client running locally. Envoy is also configured to use mTLS to mutually authenticate both the client and server.

For the most part, the SPIRE config has been shamelessly cribbed from the official tutorial. The demo fills in some gaps on configuring Envoy to consume the SPIFFE / SPIRE identities, as well as performing an end-to-end test.

⚠️ NOTE: this is a very much a demo, and the configuration contained herein is by no means indicative of a hardened production setup. Buyer beware. Best to RTFM.


The demo runs in a GKE cluster. Preemptible VMs are used to save some $$$. The topology is defined under terraform/.

The K8s cluster has the following components, each running in their own namespace:

  • spire: the SPIRE server StatefulSet and agent Daemonset, along with the ServiceAccounts and K8s RBAC, configured with the K8s attestors

  • proxy: Envoy configured as a front-proxy / reverse-proxy Deployment, performing the mTLS handshake with any clients outside the cluster. The proxy uses the SDS API exposed by the SPIRE agent exposed on a local Unix Domain Socket to fetch the x509 certificates and bundles it requires.

  • backend: a simple backend Deployment that the proxy will call within the cluster. The backend will echo the request is received in the response body it returns to the caller

  • generator: a Depoloyment containing the binaries and UDS mount that can be used to generate certificates with a SPIFFE ID different to that of the proxy. NOTE: this workload is purely for demonstration purposes, and you wouldn't run something like this in production.


Infrastructure provisioning is managed with Terraform.

You'll first need to configure terraform/backend.tf with the appropriate storage and / or authentication mechanism. The simplest version stores the Terraform state file locally. Update the name of your project in this file.

Provision the infrastructure:

$ cd terraform
$ terraform init
$ terraform apply
Do you want to perform these actions?
  Terraform will perform the actions described above.
  Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.

  Enter a value: yes

Terraform will provision the infrastructure. This takes ~5 mins.

Helm is used to managed the K8s YAML. This demo uses version 2, which requires a small component to run in the cluster, with permission to perform the necessary cluster operations.

$ ./helm/install_tiller.sh

Install the Helm chart for the demo:

$ helm upgrade spire-envoy-k8s helm/spire-envoy-k8s \
  --namespace spire \

Wait for all components to start. You can monitor them with:

$ watch kubectl -n spire get pods
$ watch kubectl -n proxy get pods
$ watch kubectl -n backend get pods
$ watch kubectl -n cert-gen get pods

Running the demo

Generate the SPIFFE entries for the workloads:

$ ./scripts/1-issue-spire-entries.sh
Creating SPIRE agent entry
Entry ID      : 5ff19def-7959-4e39-b949-94645924081f
SPIFFE ID     : spiffe://example.com/ns/spire/sa/spire-agent
Parent ID     : spiffe://example.com/spire/server

Creating proxy entry
Entry ID      : 98d7e0b3-e9b4-47f8-aa36-39ca5b33d049
SPIFFE ID     : spiffe://example.com/ns/proxy/sa/default
Parent ID     : spiffe://example.com/ns/spire/sa/spire-agent

Creating generator entry
Entry ID      : 1d5d4ea7-d455-419b-9f70-23b17c4be39a
SPIFFE ID     : spiffe://example.com/ns/cert-gen/sa/generator
Parent ID     : spiffe://example.com/ns/spire/sa/spire-agent

Generate a client certificate to use locally (i.e. on your device) to communicate with the proxy:

$ ./scripts/2-generate-certs.sh
Selecting a pod ...
Generating certificate ...
Received 1 svid after 13.219597ms

SPIFFE ID:              spiffe://example.com/ns/cert-gen/sa/generator
SVID Valid After:       2020-05-17 16:25:34 +0000 UTC
SVID Valid Until:       2020-05-17 17:25:44 +0000 UTC
CA #1 Valid After:      2020-05-16 23:45:25 +0000 UTC
CA #1 Valid Until:      2020-05-17 23:45:35 +0000 UTC

Writing SVID #0 to file /tmp/certs/svid.0.pem.
Writing key #0 to file /tmp/certs/svid.0.key.
Writing bundle #0 to file /tmp/certs/bundle.0.pem.
Fetching certificate ...

Issue a request against the proxy. This will use the client certificate your generated in the previous step:

$ ./scripts/3-curl.sh
Fetching external IP address ...
Issuing curl ...
Request served by backend-68c6c7cbb8-c6lcg

HTTP/1.1 GET /tada

Host: example.com
X-Request-Id: 9fa00731-1b6f-4619-89ac-d3a50c0e5a77
X-Envoy-Expected-Rq-Timeout-Ms: 15000
Content-Length: 0
User-Agent: curl/7.69.1
Accept: */*
X-Forwarded-Proto: https

Modify ./scripts/3-curl.sh to remove the use of the client keypair:

diff --git a/scripts/3-curl.sh b/scripts/3-curl.sh
index f3b1aae..2028c1b 100755
--- a/scripts/3-curl.sh
+++ b/scripts/3-curl.sh
@@ -14,7 +14,5 @@ _ip=$(kubectl -n proxy get svc proxy \

 echo "Issuing curl ..."
 curl --resolve "example.com:443:$_ip" \
-  --cert ./certs/svid.0.pem \
-  --key ./certs/svid.0.key \
   --cacert ./certs/bundle.0.pem \

Issue the request again:

$ ./scripts/3-curl.sh
Fetching external IP address ...
Issuing curl ...
curl: (56) BoringSSL SSL_read: error:1000045c:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:TLSV1_CERTIFICATE_REQUIRED, errno 0

As the requests were not sent with the workload identity, the requests will fail at the proxy - i.e. we couldn't even complete a TLS handshake with the proxy! Yaaaas. 💪

You can also try sending a request with a different method. The backend is set up to only allow GET and HEAD requests. Everything else will be denied by Envoy's RBAC policy:

$ ./scripts/3-curl.sh HEAD
Fetching external IP address ...
Issuing curl ...
HTTP/2 200
content-type: text/plain
date: Sun, 17 May 2020 19:33:38 GMT
content-length: 251
x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 1
server: envoy

$ ./scripts/3-curl.sh POST
Fetching external IP address ...
Issuing curl ...
RBAC: access denied

At this point, we're done! We used SPIFFE and SPIRE to set up a PKI running in the cluster, attesting that our workloads were legit. We configured Envoy to tap into this by consuming the identities with SDS. We then issued a certificate for ourselves to use locally and mutually authenticated with this identity with Envoy, who proxied our request to a backend!


In principle, let's clean up the workload entries before we destroy everything:

Fetching existing SPIRE entries

Remember to run cd terraform && terraform destroy when you're done! Or scale down the node pool to size zero.


Some things I'd like to prove out:

  • Client workload running outside of K8s, on a Cloud provider using the appropriate attestors for that platform